
I really feel happy and comfortable when I come to see Clair. I see her session as a weekly refreshment for my mind.
She makes me feel better about myself and more confident and has taught me some techniques to cope and calm myself down when I need too.
Her room where you have your chats with Clair is cosy and comforting and she has some excellent fidget toys!
- Niall (11yrs old)

I was in a really dark and difficult place where I saw no light at the end of the tunnel. I began receiving Counseling at Treat Your Mind, with Clair. The progress I could physically see myself making was incredible, it was happening before my eyes, just being able to openly talk with someone who understands. Clair gave me new ways to look at life and more ways of developing coping mechanisms. It was actually sad to leave, Clair is fantastic and was so good for me. I cannot recommend it enough!
- George

I've had very good results since my hypnodieting sessions with you. I initially lost 2 stone very quickly by just changing my way of eating as laid out in the hypnotherapy sessions. My weight then levelled off and stabilised.
I needed to lose more weight and 2 of the BB's persuaded me to go to Slimming World with them in mid July. I went along (very pessimistic) as SW has never worked for me before.
Anyway, I started it using the 3 hourly eating regime and other strategies from the hypnotherapy. I actually only needed to make a few dietary tweaks and within 2 months I lost another one and a half stones.
Very pleased but it would not have happened without your help. I still have loads of weight to lose but feel very positive about losing it."
- Anne
I can't thank you enough for turning me into a non smoker. I haven't had an urge for a cigarette since my appointment with you. In fact whats strangest of all is i know what a cigarette is but i cant remember what they taste like!! I can already breathe better; I no longer burn money; My clothes dont stink; I can taste my food....wow!!
Best of all my kids are proud of me! Thank you for setting me free. I cant recommend your services highly enough!"
- Gary
I just want to tell you when she ran to the car that night with the biggest smile on her face telling me - Mum I don't think I need to see Clair anymore. I'm in a really good place.
I ask her if she was sure and she said yes but if I need to see Clair anytime I still can.
I said of course you can.
( I have asked her on a few occasions since but she said no I'm good.)
I just want you to know this is the best Christmas present I could ever wish for a happy, safe young girl. She was bursting, floating I would say. She has grown so much.
So from me and her Dad we just want to thank you from the bottom of our heart for helping her.
A thank you don't seem enough if I'm truly honest. To me you are an Angel from above.
Before she met you she was a scared, worried child who I couldn't help. I didn't know how to help or what to do.
I didn't have the answers. I knew that much.
I remember her crying in the car as we was driving by A & E and I nearly went in. I just didn't know where to turn but that night I said her, we are going to get you the help you need and we did we found you!!
You are amazing and I just want you to know that.
Thank you Clair.
- Teresa (Parent of 14yr old)
I had been feeling very vulnerable and lost my confidence after a lot of personal events and needed a boost, I saw Clair's advertisement and decided to take action.
Although I was rather nervous and hadn't really looked into hypnotherapy, I realised very quickly that Clair was someone who I could trust and made me feel very secure.
It only took a couple of sessions to help me with what I needed and each day since I have seen results and feel so good I use my mantra every day. I would highly recommend Clair Anthony"
- Fiona
Morning!! Just to let you know I drove to work this morning in my car, with my mum (but she can't drive manual)!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of myself and a HUGE thank you to you!! So last session next week. Thank you a million times over :)"
- Sasha

I attended a smoking cessation session with you almost 18 months ago which I am delighted to say has been a complete success. I had tried to stop smoking unsucessfully many times and turned to hypnotherapy out of desperation as I was convinced it would not work. Since then I have recommended you to several friends. I know a couple have seen you and have also been successful so many many thanks"
- John
Dear Clair, Thank you for seeing me earlier on in the summer. I haven't had a drink in over 6 weeks. Weird-but true! Feeling very positive!"
- Ross
I have struggled for at least 20 years with emotional eating, it didn't matter how many times I told myself the simple solution to losing weight was to eat healthy and exercise more! I have tried every diet possible and was becoming distressed and annoyed with myself for not being able to break the vicious circle I was in! I started to research hypnodieting on the internet and read many success stories and decided to take the plunge! And it was honestly the best thing I could have ever done. Clair has completely changed my mind-set and whatever excuses I made to eat excessive unhealthy food are a distant memory. It has been 8 weeks now since my first session and I have lost 17lb, which is the easiest I have ever found losing weight. The roads Clair took me down during the course really did open my mind and changed my thinking with the relationship I had with food. I have honestly never felt hungry or restricted and now feel in control and a far happier and confident person equipped with the tools to continue with a healthier and more active lifestyle which naturally results in steady weight loss!
Clair made me feel instantly relaxed with her friendly and welcoming approach and it was clear from the onset that she was dedicated to help me achieve my goals, I cannot recommend and thank her enough!"
- Julie

I had a session with Clair and was amazed at the results. I was a little sceptical at first but was instantly put at ease in the comfort of her therapy room and had a fantastic experience. I have slept for the first time in weeks, feel like my head has had a good scrub and finally happy to feel positive again!"
- Lyndsey
I am pleased to say that hypnodieting is still working and my weight is still reducing, I have also had a bonus in the trip to the dentist which I always dread. It went really well as I used the relaxation technique and was completely calm throughout the treatment. I definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to lose weight and keep it off!"
- L Bryan